Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have permission to use the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags?

Yes, our suppliers are authorised by the copyright holders of both flags to produce goods with the respective flags.  We acknowledge that both flags are copyright and we will always use suppliers that act ethically in this regard.


How long will my order take?

We are a very small organisation, we will always try and send your order as soon as possible using the method of delivery you chose, sometimes we may not be able to send your item immediately because we will not always be in the office.  We will always send your items out as soon as possible.


Do you offer acknowledgement of other traditional owners besides the Wurundjeri Peoples?

Not at the moment, we develop the plaques in conjunction with the respective traditional owners and the land councils.  Currently we do not have a plan to develop other region specific plaques.


Am i able to come to your office to purchase items in cash?

Yes, however we are not staffed everyday. Our website is accessible 24/7 .


Is it possible for my organisation to be invoiced for goods?

Yes, please contact us to arrange this.  Note that we only send items once payment has been received and cleared which may be problematic if you want an item urgently.  You can always purchase items using a credit card, once the purchase is made we immediately send you a tax invoice to seek a reimbursement.


Do you have plans to introduce a greater variety of stock?

Absolutely!  We are working on this at the moment, sign up to our newsletter, follow us on social media and keep on checking this website regularly.